VA Division of USA Fencing Statement Regarding Virginia’s Executive Order 72

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On December 10, 2020, the Commonwealth of Virginia issued Executive Order #72 and “Order of Public Health Emergency”.  

Click here for the full text, but effective Monday, December 14th and through at least January 31, 2021, highlights include:

  1. Modified Stay at Home Order between 12AM and 5AM (with certain exceptions)
  2. Fitness and Exercise facilities max occupancy dropped from 25 to 10 people; however Indoor Recreational Sports venue limits remain at 25
  3. All Public and Private In-Person Gatherings limited to 10 people (with certain exceptions) 

As noted by Cardinal Fencing Academy in an announcement this afternoon, some of these new restrictions have gray areas that can be left up to interpretation by the reader, so we ask that you please read through the document thoroughly and be cautious about how you approach fencing these next few months, or at least until more clarification comes from Richmond.

Let us be clear – 

The Virginia Division Executive Committee:

  1. does not support bouting in our clubs due to the 84% surge of COVID-19 cases in VA over the past 28 days not to mention throughout the country.
  2. will not sanction any event in VA through the end of the 2020-2021 season. We will monitor conditions in the Commonwealth through the Spring to ascertain widespread availability and acceptance of a vaccine before reconsidering this position.
  3. does not support the sanctioning of Regional and National events through the end of the 2020-2021 Season.  We will monitor conditions in the Region 6 through the Spring to ascertain widespread availability and acceptance of a vaccine before reconsidering this position.
  4. does not sanction Regional nor National Events, regardless of where they are held.  Sanctioning of these events are only done by the National Offices.

To our fencers and parents of fencers, our feelings are that even if an organizer is able to account for everything in their control, it only takes one Fencer, Club, Coach, or Referee not following protocols in their normal daily lives (or one of their contacts) to jeopardize a multitude of communities.

Thank you for your support and hope all of you are happy, healthy and safe!

VA Division of USA Fencing Statement Regarding the Sixth Amended Version of Virginia’s Executive Order 67

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On November 13, the Sixth Amended version of Executive Order 67 (PHASE THREE TIGHTENING OF CERTAIN TEMPORARY RESTRICTIONS DUE TO COVID-19) reduces the maximum total number of people (participants, coaches and spectators) allowed indoors down to 25 (or less given size of location.)

Further, the Fourth Amended version removes the 10ft social distance requirement to support high school winter and spring team sport activities.  The 10 ft distance requirement however, still exists for Fitness Centers and Gyms.  We expect this to be reinstated shortly.

The Virginia Division Executive Committee does not support bouting in our clubs due to the recent surge of cases in VA and the country and will not sanction any event through January, where we will again consider conditions in the Commonwealth and whether there is widespread availability of a vaccine.

For your reference:

Safer At Home: Phase Three Guidelines For All Business Sectors

Executive Order 67

Collegiate Fencing Panel Hosted by the VA Division on November 18th at 8pm EST

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Please join the Virginia Division of USA Fencing along with Dan Kellner (Olympian, coach of Olympians and owner of Brooklyn Bridge Fencing Club), Bruce Gillman (Head Coach at Vassar College), Peter Grandbois (Head Coach at Denison University), plus Jennifer Chen, Captain of the William & Mary club team, Maria Papadopoulos, Captain at Duke, and others.

This will be an informal panel discussion of expectations and experiences of all parties – what to look, expect and plan for as you consider fencing in college, and what changes given COVID19 if anything. We will have some prepared questions and hope to take questions asked by those in attendance (time permitting).

You must register in advance for this discussion:

Hope to see you there!

COVID-19 Competition Modifications, Mask Mandates and National Events Updates

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From USA Fencing today:

  1. Due to the increase of COVID-19 cases throughout the nation, USA Fencing has made the difficult decision to postpone the start of the 2020-21 national events season until February 2021.
  2. Although the event schedule is being finalized by the task force, the Junior Olympic Championships will be moved from February to Summer Nationals. The birth years for junior and cadet will remain the same throughout the 2020-21 season and will not change until Aug. 1, 2021. 
  3. Mask Mandate for sanctioned events in states where tournaments are allowed… All attendees at USA Fencing sanctioned tournaments will be required to wear a mask at all times, including athletes during competition.
  4. No screaming after touches.
  5. Salute your opponent at the end of a bout versus a handshake.

Full press release:

VA / MD / CAP Divisions sponsored USA Fencing Referee Development Clinic

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The Virginia Division of USA Fencing in partnership with the Capital and Maryland Divisions has scheduled an official USA Fencing Referee Development clinic taught by Lisa Campi-Sapery on September 26th, 2020.  This seminar is a required step in becoming a rated referee in USA Fencing and is open to any aspiring referee, coach, athlete, and parent.

This clinic will be taught virtually over Zoom, and the cost for this seminar is only $50 if you register and pay in advance of September 19 ($60 afterwards).  All information about the clinic can be found in More Info on AskFred.  Register today, here!

Virginia Division Statement Regarding Events – Sanctioned and Unsanctioned

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Beginning August 1, USA Fencing “Return to Fencing” Guidelines will allow for local/division sanctioning of events if the State guidelines that support physical distancing and other requirements are met. 

The Virginia Division does not believe that while we are in Phase III that tournaments should occur given the 10ft mandatory distance required between competitors, coaches and or referees that the VAPhase III Guidelines require (under the Recreational Sports and Fitness Center/Gym guidelines for Businesses in Virginia), and therefore we will not sanction any event in the Commonwealth until such time where physical distance restrictions still exist.

Further, USA Fencing Guidelines also state that only the members from the sanctioning division are allowed to compete in a sanctioned event, so the notion of going to our neighbors events from the Capital, Maryland, and North Carolina divisions is not a possibility for now.

We understand that this is a frustration for some as we are all excited to get back to the sport we love. We feel whatever temporary setbacks or feelings we are going through pale in comparison to the risks of contracting COVID19, which could include severe medical issues that may last a lifetime and heaven forbid the loss of life of a fencer or one of their family members.

The Virginia Division also does not support clubs running unsanctioned tournaments in the Commonwealth given the above mentioned physical distancing requirements. 

To our fencers, and/or parents of fencers, our feelings are that even if an organizer is able to account for everything in their control, it only takes one Fencer, Club, Coach, or Referee not following protocols in their normal daily lives to jeopardize a multitude of communities.

Thank you for your support and hope all of you are happy, healthy and safe!

Virginia Division of USA Fencing Statement Regarding Phase III and COVID-19

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To all Fencers, Parents, Clubs and Coaches:

As a follow up to the COVID-19 Guideline discussion during the Virginia Division’s Annual Meeting earlier this month (7/2), and now that the entire state has entered Phase III, we are sharing our view of what should or should not happen in our clubs.  The Commonwealth of Virginia Phase III guidelines and USA Fencing’s Return to Fencing Guidelines have been linked for reference.

As stated in three different locations of the VA Phase III Guidelines, businesses must “Establish policies and practices for maintaining appropriate physical distance between persons not living in the same household. Maintain at least ten feet of distance for establishments where exercise activities, singing, or cheering is performed”. (This is also restated in both the Fitness/Exercise Facility and Recreational Sports “Additional Guidelines” sections.)  As a result, we do not believe that any activity where two people are less than 10 feet from each other (including bouting/fencing) should occur in any VA club during Phase III.

Per the USA Fencing Return to Fencing Guidelines, “USFA resumed its sanctioning of club activities on May 1, 2020 for clubs in locations where clubs are permitted to operate or reopen by local and state laws, regulations, executive orders and other legal mandates regarding COVID-19. USFA’s sanction, and thus its insurance coverage, will apply only to areas in which clubs can be open legally. It has been and will remain the responsibility of each club to stay abreast of and comply with the state, local and other legal requirements governing its own location. USA Fencing (and the VA division of USA Fencing) cannot, as a practical matter, oversee member clubs’ compliance with applicable laws, which vary widely from place to place. Nor is it within our competence to provide legal advice.”

Created by club owners who are also officers, here are some additional minimum requirements, most of which are part of either of the above guidelines or have been collaboratively determined as best practices by a number of clubs here in Virginia and throughout the country:

  1. Contactless Check-in:  Allows for COVID-19 tracing and makes sure the total number of students does not exceed maximum.
  2. Temperature Check:  Contactless temperature check to ensure body temperature is below 100.4 F.
  3. Limited capacity and Social Distancing:  10’ between fencers and 10’ between fencers and coach.  Limit parent access and discourage additional visitors from remaining in the club.       
  4. Extra Sanitation:  1 to 100 mix of 5% bleach solution application to all hard surfaces upon completion of each group session.  Soft surfaces are either washed daily or sprayed with bleach solution and left to air dry.  
  5. Hand washing before and after practice.  Hand sanitizing before, during, and after practice to minimize the spread of germs.
  6. Increased ventilation:  Open doors, increase or install commercial floor fans to improve air movement and create a negative air flow.  Many clubs are investing in HEPA ionization filtration systems for their HVAC systems or standalone as well (if they have an HVAC) or other UV based air filtration systems.
  7. Mask-wearing:  Face coverings are required.  Face coverings must be worn under fencing masks at all times.  We do not recommend the use of masks with pre-installed face protections since they do not meet FDA or CDC standards.
  8. Equipment Policies:  Bags should be spaced a minimum of 6’ apart.  No loaner equipment to fencers.  Water fountains, water coolers, and coffee stations are not to be utilized.  Soft equipment (balls, bean bags, foam swords) should not be available for use.
  9. Activity policy:  Interactive fencing games with a prop are not permitted.  Private lessons should occur under controlled circumstances with appropriate distancing.  Drills in pairs under controlled circumstances and with appropriate distancing, eliminating deep target attacks, fleches, and in-fighting.  Drills are 3 minutes on and 3 minutes off.
  10. Cross Club “Pollination”:  We strongly discourage fencers from training outside of their primary club during this time.  In a number of cases, clubs have already implemented a 14 day quarantine policy if a student has trained at another club.

If fencers, parents, coaches or clubs have questions or comments regarding any of the above, please do not hesitate to write to, or reach out to any division officer directly.

(Updated 7/19) Removed the bullet that discussed Bouting. This was discussed earlier and the 2nd talking point was deemed confusing by some in the community.)

Virginia Division of USA Fencing announces Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee, Seeks Volunteers

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As discussed at our July 2nd Annual meeting, The Virginia Division of USA Fencing will create a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Committee to support the efforts announced on May 8th by USA Fencing’s National Offices, as well as other initiatives from the Virginia Division Board and our member club communities throughout the Commonwealth.  

This group will be focus their efforts on diversity, equity and inclusion to create an equitable, safe and positive fencing environment for everyone in Virginia.  This committee will partner with the USA Fencing DEI Resource Committee to reassess and restructure policies & protocols, create new education initiatives, facilitate honest dialogue around identity and difference and increase recruitment of individuals in underrepresented populations – here in VA.

To volunteer for the VA DEI Committee, please hold a USA Fencing membership or register for a membership upon being named to the group.  You will also be required to complete SafeSport screening and a background check. The VA Division of USA Fencing encourages members of diverse backgrounds, including, racial and ethnic minorities, women, veterans, varying religious groups, individuals with disabilities and those who identify as LGBTQIA to apply. 

If interested, or if you have questions, please contact Richard Weiss at

Virginia Division Annual Meeting and Election (Update June 27, 2020)

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Virginia Division of USA Fencing Members:

This serves as a reconfirmation of the Virginia Division’s (Division) annual meeting on July 2nd at 7pm EST for the upcoming 2020-2021 fencing season. 

As previously announced, the division made a call for officer candidates for the upcoming season.  We received interest from three candidates, with two current board members deciding to not continue for the next season.  Under normal circumstances, this would require us to hold an election to determine who the six (6) At Large Officers would be.

However, after a number of considerations due to concerns over COVID, specifically related to running an election using proxy votes over a virtual platform, a board member suggested that we just expand the Board one position just for the 2020-2021 season.  The Board voted (7-1) that this would be appropriate for this season only.

During our Annual Meeting, after reports by our officers (if any), we will have a nomination to support the new board as it will exist below, and a discussion if need be by those on the call if required.

Proposed VA Division Board for 2020-2021:

Richard Weiss – Chair

Ron Thornton – Vice Chair

Meredith Powers – Secretary

Ted Smith – Treasurer

At-Large Members:  Greg Kaidanov, Damien Lehfeldt, Scott Farber, Amy Lingley, Thomas Mahnken, and Andrew Grass

Revised Annual Meeting Agenda:
Reports of:
Other Divisional Officers, committee chairmen, and administrative assistants (when appropriate)
Proposed amendments to the By-Laws
Nomination and Acceptance of 2020-2021 Board
Unfinished business
New business

A meeting of the Executive Committee shall be held after the USA Fencing divisional meetings.

Registration information for our annual meeting is listed below. We are request your full name, email address and USA Fencing Member ID for admission to the meeting. Any VA Division member is allowed to attend our Annual Meeting.

Meeting: VA Division Annual Meeting
When: Jul 2, 2020 07:00 PM Eastern Time

Register in advance for this meeting:…/tZEpfuiuqzkiGdM9Ix2M0moT4EazjU43B…

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Thank you for your time in reading this.  Any questions can be sent to

Virginia Division Annual Meeting and Election

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Dear Virginia Division of USA Fencing Member,

We hope that you and your family members are well. We miss seeing everyone at tournaments and clinics but understand that staying healthy during COVID-19 regardless of our current restrictions should and will remain our number one priority for our membership. When you receive this, we will all be in “Phase II”, which means that our clubs can operate indoors in a reduced capacity and we stress that you observe every guideline and MANDATE in place along the way. Only this will ensure that you, your fencer, and our community can remain healthy as we move forward.

This email serves as the announcement of the Virginia Division’s annual meeting and election on July 2nd at 7pm EST for the upcoming 2020-2021 fencing season. Historically, we’ve held our elections at the conclusion of our Division Championships’ Saturday events in May, but since we’re not holding events, we are going to do this virtually.

Annual Meeting Agenda:
Reading of minutes of previously held meetings called by the Chairman (if any)
Reports of:
Other Divisional Officers, committee chairmen, and administrative assistants (when appropriate)
Proposed amendments to the By-Laws
Election of officers (when appropriate)
Unfinished business
New business

A meeting of the Executive Committee shall be held after each of the USA Fencing divisional meetings.

Our current Board:
Richard Weiss (Chair), Ron Thornton (Vice Chair), Ted Smith (Treasurer), Meredith Powers (Secretary), Greg Kaidanov, Damian Lehfeldt, Julia Jiang, Scott Farber, Nic Papadopoulos (All At-Large).

Julia Jiang and Nic Papadopoulos have decided not to run again and we thank them both very much for their service to the Board this past season.

Amy Lingley (Owner of LIFC and former 3X officer) and Andrew Grass (Coach at AIC, and VA Division Native) have both stepped up to become officers for 2020-2021.

The VA Division Board is very happy to have these “new” people on the Board, and requests that our membership accept the new slate as proposed in consideration of COVID-19 and the difficulties of running an election with proxy votes during a zoom meeting. However, we do not wish to prevent someone from running as it is against our by-laws. If you would like to run for VA Division Officer, please review our by-laws to understand the roles and responsibilities of being an officer at and then send an email to, declaring your candidacy by June 25, 2020. No candidates will be allowed to run after June 25.

If an election is held, the annual meeting will be held as stated above, excluding the election. Once the meeting is completed, the Annual Meeting Zoom call will end, and those verified to vote the VA Division election will move to another Zoom call for electing our officers. USA Fencing rules apply to voting in VA Division elections, “Members 18 and over, as of February 1st of the membership year, have the right to vote…” This applies to every level of USA Fencing membership except Non-Competitive, International Competitive License and Global Limited.

Registration information for our annual meeting is listed below. We are request your full name, email address and USA Fencing Member ID for admission to the meeting. Any VA Division member is allowed to attend our Annual Meeting.

Meeting: VA Division Annual Meeting and Election
When: Jul 2, 2020 07:00 PM Eastern Time

Register in advance for this meeting: After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Thank you for your support of the Virginia Division and hope to see you on July 2nd. If you have any questions, please send an email to or any officer and we’ll get a response to you as quickly as we can.

Take good care,

Richard Weiss
VA Division Chair